Adam: A Method For Stochastic Optimization

Adam: A Method For Stochastic Optimization

Diederik Pm. Kingma, University of Amsterdam

Jummy Lei Ba, University of Toronto




$$\text{Require :}\ \alpha \text{: step size}\ \beta1, \beta_2 \in [0, 1) \text{: exponential decay rates for the moment estimates}\ f(\theta) \text{: stochastic objective function with parameters } \theta \ \theta_0 \text{: initial parameter vector}\ m_0 \leftarrow 0 \text{ (initialize 1st moment vector)}\ v_0 \leftarrow 0 \text{ (initialize 2nd moment vector)}\ t \leftarrow 0 \text{ (initial timestep)}\ \ \text{while } \theta_t \text{ not converged do}\ t \leftarrow t + 1\ g_t \leftarrow \bigtriangledown\theta ft(\theta_t -1)\ m_t \leftarrow \beta_1 \cdot m{t-1} + (1-\beta1) \cdot g_t\ v_t \leftarrow \beta_2 \cdot v{t-1} + (1-\beta2) \cdot g_t^2\ \hat m_t \leftarrow m_t / (1-\beta_1^t)\ \hat v_t \leftarrow v_t / (1-\beta_2^t)\ \theta_t \leftarrow \theta{t-1} - \alpha \cdot \hat m_t / (\sqrt{\hat v_t} + \epsilon)\ \text{end while}\ \text{return } \theta_t


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