Fair Prediction with Disparate Impact: A Study of Bias in Recidivism Prediction Instruments

Fair Prediction with Disparate Impact: A Study of Bias in Recidivism Prediction Instruments

Alexandra Chouldechova


在criminal justice system中,risk assessment(犯罪评估)正在变得越来越重要。

Assessing Fairness


$$S=S(x)$$表示是基于变量$$X=x\in \mathbb{R}^p$$的risk score。同时也把$$S$$叫做score或者instrument。假设R是protected attribute,且是X中的一维变量,有两个不同的数值(两组)$$R \in {b, w}$$。$$Y \in {0, 1}$$是outcome。$$s_{HR}$$是threshold。


Def 1 (Calibration). A score $$S=S(x)$$ is well calibrated if it reflects the same likelihood of recidivism irrespective of the individual's group membership. For all value $$s$$, $$P(Y=1|S=s, R=b) = P(Y=1|S=s, R=w)$$.

Def 2 (Predictive parity). A score $$S=S(x)$$ satisfies predictive parity at a threshold $$s{HR}$$ if the likelihood of recidivism among high-risk offenders is same regardless of the group membership. $$P(Y=1|S>s{HR}, R=b) = P(Y=1|S>s_{HR}, R=w)$$.

Def 3 (Error rate balance). 基于某一个threshold的score符合error rate balance,当FP和FN在不同group之间都相同。 $$P(S>s{HR} | Y=0, R=b) = P(S>s{HR} | Y=0, R=w)$$ and $$P(S \le s{HR} | Y=0, R=b) = P(S \le s{HR} | Y=0, R=w)$$.

与equalized odds和equal opportunity紧密联系。

Def 4 (Statistical parity). 基于某一个threshold的score符合error rate balance,当每一个group中属于high risk的概率一样。 $$P(S>s{HR}|R=b) = P(S>s{HR}|R=w)$$.

statistical parity也叫做equal acceptance rates/group fairness。但因为实用性不高,所以后面不做讨论。

Predictive parity, FPRs, and FNRs

我们一个主要结论:当不同group的prevalence (base rate $$P(Y=1|R=r)$$) 不一样的时候,predictive parity和error rate balance不相容。

图1是几个不同的fairness条件,根据COMPAS RPI来的。

每个$$s$$数值的calibration prob差不多,因此可以认为大致符合calibration条件。

当$$s>4$$的时候,大致符合predictive parity条件。

但是不满足error rate balance条件。


$$\text{FPR} = \frac{p}{1-p} \frac{1-\text{PPV}}{\text{PPV}} (1-\text{FNR})$$

$$\text{FPR} = \frac{\text{FP}}{\text{FP}+\text{TN}} = \frac{P(Y=0, \hat Y=1)}{P(Y=0, \hat Y=1) + P(Y=0, \hat Y=0)} = \frac{P(Y=0, \hat Y=1)}{P(Y=0)} = P(\hat Y=1 | Y=0)$$

$$\text{FNR} = \frac{\text{FN}}{\text{FN}+\text{TP}} = \frac{P(Y=1, \hat Y=0)}{P(Y=1, \hat Y=0) + P(Y=1, \hat Y=1)} = \frac{P(Y=1, \hat Y=0)}{P(Y=1)} = P(\hat Y=0 | Y=1)$$

$$\text{TPR} = 1 - \text{FNR} = P(\hat Y=1 | Y=1 )$$

$$\frac{p}{1-p} \frac{1-\text{PPV}}{\text{PPV}} = \frac{P(Y=1)}{P(Y=0)} \frac{P(Y=0|\hat Y=1)}{P(Y=1|\hat Y=1)} = \frac{P(Y=1)}{P(Y=0)} \frac{P(Y=0,\hat Y=1)}{P(Y=1,\hat Y=1)} = \frac{P(\hat Y=1 | Y=0)}{P(\hat Y=1 | Y = 1)} = \frac{\text{FPR}}{\text{TPR}}$$ (this should hold for each group separately)


从这个式子,我们可以看到,如果一个instrument/score满足predictive party,也就是不同group的PPV都一样,但是prevalence不一样,那么不同的group对应的FPR和FNR就不一样。

既然无法同时满足所有的fairness条件,那么就很有必要了解一下无法满足某些fairness条件会带来的影响。下面会在hypothetical risk-based sentencing framework下进行讨论。

Assessing Impact



$$\Delta = \Delta(y_1, y_2) = \mathbb{E}(T|R=r, Y=y_1) - \mathbb{E}(T|R=w,Y=y_2)$$


Prop 3.1. The expected difference in penalty under the MinMax policy is given by $$\Delta = \mathbb{E}(T|R=b,Y=y1) - \mathbb{E}(T|R=w,Y=y_2) = (t{max}-t_{min})\bigg( P(\hat Y=1 | R=b,Y=y_1) - P(\hat Y=1 | R=w, Y=y_2) \bigg)$$


注: $$\mathbb{E} [T|R=b, Y=y] = t{max} P(\hat Y=1 | R=b, Y=y) + t{min} P(\hat Y=0|R=b, Y=y) = (t{max} - t{min}) P(\hat Y=1|R=b, Y=y)$$


Corollary 3.1. (Nonrecidivists) 在非惯犯的个体中,使用MinMax policy的average penalty的差异是 $$\Delta = (t{max} - t{min})(\text{FPR}_b - \text{FPR}_w)$$.

即设 $$P(Y=1) = 0, P(Y=0) = 1$$.

$$\Delta = (t{max}-t{min})\bigg( P(\hat Y=1 | R=b,Y=0) - P(\hat Y=1 | R=w, Y=0) \bigg) = (t{max}-t{min})\bigg( \text{FPR}_b - \text{FPR}_w \bigg)$$

Corollary 3.2. (Recidivists) 在惯犯的个体中,使用MinMax policy的average penalty的差异是 $$\Delta = (t{max} - t{min})(\text{FNR}_b - \text{FNR}_w)$$

即设 $$P(Y=1) = 1, P(Y=0) = 0$$.

$$\Delta = (t{max}-t{min})\bigg( P(\hat Y=1 | R=b,Y=1) - P(\hat Y=1 | R=w, Y=1) \bigg) = \(t{max}-t{min})\bigg( 1 - P(\hat Y=0 | R=b,Y=1) - 1 + P(\hat Y=0 | R=w, Y=1) \bigg) = (t{max}-t{min})\bigg( \text{FNR}_w - \text{FNR}_b \bigg)$$

当使用RPI满足predictive parity的时候,recidivism prevalence在不同的group也不一样;通常是higher recidivism prevalence的group,其FPR高,而FNR低。从前面两个corollaries中,我们会发现这会给在higher prevalence group中的被告带来更高的penalties,不论是惯犯还是非惯犯。

Conditioning on other covariates

Connections to measures of differences in distribution

不同的肤色对应的score分布会不一致,有一个工作报告了Cohen's d为0.34,而对应的nonoverlap是13.5%。一个自然的问题是,在判决的过程中的不一致程度,$$\Delta$$,和这类distributional difference相关。答案是肯定的。

nonoverlap percentage是假设两个分布都是normal之后计算的,因此和Cohen's d是有一一对应的关系。但是图三可以发现并不是normal distribution。一个更合理的计算percentage nonoverlap是Gaussian case percentage nonoverlap等价于total variation distance。可以有如下的bound

Prop 3.2. (Percentage overlap bound). Under the MinMax policy, $$\Delta(y1, y_2) \le (t{max}-t{min}) d{TV}(f{b, y_1}, f{w,y_2})$$

这个比较容易理解。当不同group有不同的score distribution,最坏情况的nonoverlap是小于$$s{HR}$$的score完全大于$$s{HR}$$。

Empirical Results

$$t{min}$$和$$t{max}$$是根据被告的charge degree估算的。

除了使用MinMax policy,Interpolation policy使用的是二者之间的linear approximation。




arxiv 版本1 arxiv 版本2 big data

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