Drug-Drug Adverse Effect Prediction with Graph Co-Attention

Drug-Drug Adverse Effect Prediction with Graph Co-Attention

3 Architecture

3.1 Inputs


  1. 作为binary classification,输入的时候就考虑到了label
  2. 作为multi-label classification,输入的时候只有drug pair,输出有多个label

3.2 Message Passing


3.3 Co-attention

$$ a{ij}^t = softmax_j \Big( \langle W_k^{t} h_i^{t-1,\, d_x}, W_k^{t} h_i^{t-1, \, d_y} \rangle \Big)\ n_t^{t\, d(x)} = \sum{\forall j \in dy} a{ij}^t \cdot W_v^t h_j^{t-1, \, d_y}


然后这个学到的co-attention layer会一起用来update

$$ h_i^{t,\, d_x} = LayerNorm(h_i^{t-1,\, d_x} + m_i^{t-1,\, d_x} + n_i^{t-1,\, d_x})


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